Category Archives: Home Improvement

Marvelous Mississippi Ministry- SHADED!

"Thanks so much for checking in. The shades are perfect! Everyone that has visited comments [...]

Motorized Window Shade FAQs

Motorized window shades are window shades equipped with a built-in motor that allows them to [...]

6 Things to Consider with a Window Shading.

but then it happens....your eyes gaze out your windows…UGH. Mis-matched drapery, ill-fitting miniblinds you bought [...]


We’ve been getting a LOT of fresh, fabulous and fair reviews..and at this rate ya’ll [...]

Sam and their Super Shades!

"I'll be ready for the 100-degree summer!" To be honest, Sam was nervous and timid.

Helen gave us a holler!

An old home gets a hug!

Everyone LOVES “Before & Afters”

Our customer Jim, his life is easy peasy lemon squeezy with our motorized shades.

15 Year Old Shades look like this????

We’re not the biggest window shade manufacturer… just the best! We’re a small, family-owned (second [...]