We all know how important it is to support small biz and artisans….
And we know, everyone create lists of local goods to give this season, but here at EcoSmart Shades, we wanted to go WEIRD and wonderful!
We’ve compiled our top 5 list from our Shade Gurus.
It’s filled with wonderfully whacky gifts that are bound to make your friends and family giggle, scratch their heads or perhaps dance a jig! You’ll sleigh this year.
Buckle up, and a way we gooooooooooo….

1. Who Gives a Crap
This company is AMAZING! You’ll be the party pooper that be on every invite list from this day forward! 100% Recycled Papers and 100% Bamboo Papers! They are also B Corp™ certified for the highest standards of social and environmental impact.
Who Gives a Crap delivered it’s first roll in 2013, and now their feel-good-TP is gracing bathrooms across the world. WGC also donates 50% of their profits to help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world.
I want the crap!
2. Chicken Daddies
Do you have a small farm with chickens? Do you have a friend who loves pin-up calendars? Is that the SAME friend? Then look no further than CHICKEN DADDIES!
Chicken Daddies will deliver eggsellent smiles….INSTANTLY, and EVERY month. The classic art of pin-up with a poultry twist. The cutoff date for United States orders is December 19th.
3. Uncommon Goods
Go RIGHT ahead, play with your food! You’re an adult now. No one can stop you. UG has a LOT of fun gifties for everyone on your list.
Uncommon Goods Construction Plate and Utensils are available separately or as a set. And it’s made in the USA (just like our amazing shades)
I WANNA PLAY WITH MY FOOD!4. Stitched Sarcasm
(Warning: Language and Sass STRAIGHT ahead)
Are there lover of crafts, sass and a bit of a bad a$$ on your list this year? Look no further than sarcasm that is STITCHED! Not your average Stitching. All cross stitches are handmade by Andrea S. (right down the road from EcoSmart Shades), and can be modified by color preferences!
Stitch Sarcasm Have a favorite movie quote? Or song lyric that tears at your friend’s soul? Need a personalized gift? Look no further.
STITCH ME, BABY!5. GravySeason
What says, “I love spending the holidays with my family.” than a puking cat. Do you love gravy? Sauces? Creamer? Do you have a cat that pukes on the finest things in your home? Then this gift is for you(and everyone else who has a feline in their life).
Gravy Season Puking Kitty doesn’t really purr, as she does blurrrrghhhh. Don’t let lighthearted ‘tude fool you—this cat is on a mission. A portion of every sale goes to support local cat rescues. And although silliness and hilarity is a huge part of what they do, Gravy Season also serious about giving back. That’s why they offer a discount-for-donation program: donate $3 to their favorite charities, and they’ll give you a $5 discount!! That’s a win -blllluuuuuurggggh.
I WANT A PUKING CATOk this is NOT a real gift, but it’s just soooooo well produced, that it deserves a mention.
Whatever you gift your folx with this year, make sure its memorable.
Is there something that should be on our list? PLEASE do NOT hesitate to email us.
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