He thought he was helping.
Our customer called, desperately needing Shade Guru guidance!
“I started working from home, but my Bichon will not stop barking at EVERYTHING that dares to walk by, slow down, or delivery to my house. Oh and there’s a Stop sign right outside our window. Benjamin thinks he’s doing his job, but he’s interrupting mine. I can’t do Zoom calls without him interjecting there’s ‘danger’ outside. HELP ME!!!”
This is Benny.
Benny the Bichon Frisé. He’s French. From what his roommate Jo shared with our Shade Guru, “I think he was royalty in a past life. He has to smell every morsel of food before he considers eating it. And he is almost 14 years old!! Look, buddy you can trust me after all this time!”
Jo continued, “Benny is relentless. Every car that even SLOWS down, he’s on alert. And his bark is piercing. I need my work sanity back.”
Our Shade Guru knew that our EcoSmart Cellular Shade would do the trick for this neighborhood watch situation. Not only because Jo and Benny live in Florida, (the insulation will sure help with their energy costs!) but because of the very handy Top Down/Bottom Up operation. This type of shade would provide sightline blockage for Benny and allow Jo some natural sunlight at the SAME time.
After Jo installed both of her Light -Filtering, Cordless, Top Down/Bottom Up EcoSmart Cell Shades, she reported back! (almost immediately!)
“I CAN FINALLY WORK IN PEACE!! Thank you for making my WFH life bark (practically) free. Benny isn’t pleased, but I am. Thanks again!”
Do you have noisy & nosey roommate? Our Shade Gurus have the solution.
That’s smart. Ecosmart.😉