If you know us, you know we are ALWAYS looking for new ways to update our products. (never.stop. improving!)

Our EcoSmart Roller Shades are *new* annnnnd *improved*!

Shade Guru David took the time to create these super helpful videos showcasing some of our new features!

CORDLESS Roller Shades 

We still have our chain operated!

Here, our Shade Guru David demonstrates.

Which way do you do you like to roll?

Standard Roll, compared to Reverse Roll.

Our open roll EcoSmart shades offer a stylish minimalist design. Our Cassette option is an attractive covering hiding the roll of the shade fabric.

Our slightly weighted hembar is ideal for smooth operation of our cordless shades while a fabric wrapped welded hembar creates a sleek cohesive look.

Excited to get your windows all nice and shady?

Talk to our expert Shade Gurus today!


[email protected]
