Author Archives: Jo

Announcing EcoSmart 2.0!

Better than ever before Impeccably engineered. Cutting-edge features.

Why does Roller Fabric Color Matter?

Color. Fabric Opacity. Weave. All of this is SO important.

2024 Design Forecast!

What’s out? Three years after a global pandemic shut the world down…the Work-From-Home Spaces are [...]

You guys are the BEST.

Our customers say the NICEST things...and ya know...they're RIGHT!

15 Year Old Shades look like this????

We’re not the biggest window shade manufacturer… just the best! We’re a small, family-owned (second [...]

Meet another Shade Guru!

You gotta meet Caroline! She's one of our Shade Gurus! Customer care, Extraordinaire!

Merilynn LOVES our Shades!

"I’m a 77 year old woman so if I can do it, so can you."

Roller Ordering Tips from our Shade Gurus!

Here at EcoSmart Shades, we’ve been shading the world for over 3 decades… We’ve learned [...]

Cell Ordering Tips from our Shade Gurus

Tips directly from our Shade Gurus on ordering EcoSmart Cellular Shades.

Kelly-fearless leader & magical unicorn

"Even when things are super tough, we never lose the love- the love for the [...]