Why Should You Order Fabric Swatches?🤷‍♂️

You might think you know what color you want for your new Ecosmart shading. But what *if* your monitor/screen isn’t calibrated correctly? Or it’s not as opaque/see-thru as you thought.


Yes, you won’t have the insta-gratification of having shades in  your windows ASAP, but taking that extra time to order fabric swatches, feeling them, seeing them, hanging them in your windows…kissing them..oh wait…that’s just us…annnyhoo…

Take a moment and order.

Make sure what you’re seeing is what you’re going to get.
We’ve all visited  a bigbox electronic store, we’ve seen the wall of TVs. And each screen looks different.

Same thing applies here. But this time, you’re about to invest in a product you’re gonna see all.the.time.

Shades are like food.


Yes, just like with food, texture is super important. It can turn you off, or make you purr like a kitten, let’s be honest. All fabrics have a texture, that a thumbnail photo will not, cannot show. That’s a fact.

Texture of a fabric can be as important as color itself. Holding, feeling the fabric in your very own hands will help you make the decision, that much easier. 

COLOR Morphing.

Do ya’ll remember that social media blue/white/gold dress controversy, that NO one could agree on?

Yup, everyone’s rods & cones are different. We all perceive color different. Annnd just like this dress, color changes in differents rooms/spaces. 

It’s super awesome to have a fabric swatch, to see lighting and other existing colors in the room play off each other. Seeing the fabric swatch in your specific space, with YOUR lighting, YOUR furniture, YOUR wall color will make damn sure that the color of your new EcoSmart Shades will make your heart sing! 


EVERYONE loves FREE stuff! Order today!

We have swatches of all of our EcoSmart Roller and Cellular Fabrics ready to be POPPED in the mail, and ship directly to your door.