It’s a strange, ‘new’ world we are in, since COVID.
That global pandemic, which is still lingering (medical experts said it’s going to take another 7 years to finally get rid of it).
COVID has changed our lives. And many of us are still working from home, even if it’s part time. But is your home work area, up to snuff? Have you moved your computer screen 8 gazillion times in one day? Are you still trying to avoid the relentless glare? And it’s STILL not right.

Perhaps, you’ve even muttered to yourself, “How did I NOT know how BLINDING the Sun is in this house?”
Have you even moved your makeshift desk closer and closer to the window, to see the trees, the birds or a neighbor waving across the way….but MAN!
Then you feel it. Ice cold air. “Where is that FREEZING cold draft coming from?!”
Soo…you run, grab your favorite blankie & wrap yourself up like a burrito.

BUT how do burritos type?!
They don’t. Well, not successfully.
We want to help you with ALL of this. (except for the typing…TBH)
Our Energy-Saving Sidetracks will nip those ice cold draft in the bud! Your windows will be snug as a bug!
5 Reasons You Need New Shades for Your Home Office
- That glare on my computer screen is unbearable.
- You didn’t realize how hot/cold it gets when you sit at the window for hours.
- The “top-down” feature provides just the right amount of light & privacy.
- If I have to see that window all day, it might as well be gorgeous.
- They’re on SALE right now! Wait, why isn’t this number one???

Ok, ok …head back down, get your work done. Our Top-Down/Bottom-Up shades are THE best when it comes to adjusting light and protecting your privacy. With these amazingly adjustable shades, YOU decide how much light you want from the top of the window while keeping the bottom portion covered. Also known as “duofold,” this multi-directional function can be applied our Standard, Smoothy, and Cordless EcoSmart shades!

Ok, so you have energy-efficient windows. (yay YOU!) but concentrating on your computer screen is proving to be super duper difficult with glare penetrating your naked windows. EcoSmart Roller Shades will control glare and my oh MY, the visual comfort. Your eyes will thank you.
5 Reasons You Need New Shades for Your Home Office
- That glare on my computer screen is unbearable.
- You didn’t realize how HOT or COLD it gets when you sit near your window for hours on end.
- If I have to be next to that window all day, it might as well have a GORGEOUS EcoSmart Shade on it.
- And you guessed it, they’re on SALE right now! 😉
Together, we can make your home office stylish, insulated and private. All you have to bring is the productivity!
Wanna chat with our Shade Gurus? (they’re awesome!)
Give us a call today! 877-338-9392